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Summer Cocktails


Unfiltered Tips, Tricks, & Stories

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Welcome to Mixology with Moxie!

I'm not your average blogger, though I suppose there is no such thing these days, right? Anyone can pick up a pen (or a phone) and start blogging about anything and everything. My professional background is heavily focused in supply chain management, but I have always been part of the cocktail world. I'm probably one of the few non-industry people who regularly attended the Manhattan Cocktail Classic back in the early 2010s. I've attended seminars held by Dale DeGroff, Charlotte Voisey, and other cocktail greats. I've designed my own recipes and followed industry trends since 1996. I own over 70 vodkas alone in my collection. Then, there are the bourbons, ryes, tequilas, shochus, vermouths, amaros, etc. 

Where do snacks enter the picture? I'm always trying new brands to see and recommend products to others. Healthy snacks. Junk food snacks. They all have a place in my pantry and I am a firm believer in "moderation in all things". Likewise, mixology isn't just about liquor. Drinking is an experience. With or without alcohol, you can still have a transformative experience with the right ingredients in the right glass.

I invite you to explore my content and learn about what makes me tick. Please reach out and engage—I’m happy to hear from you, as well.

Making Cocktails


Mixology & Snacking Without Filters

Embark on a tantalizing journey of flavor at Mixology with Moxie, your ultimate destination for all things mixology and snacking. Immerse yourself in the art of crafting extraordinary cocktails and mocktails, expertly paired with an array of delightful snacks.

At MWM, we go beyond the ordinary, introducing you to new favorites and reminding you of flavors you enjoyed but forgot. Whether you're a seasoned mixologist, a snack enthusiast, or someone looking to elevate your culinary adventures, our site is your guide to creating unforgettable moments.

Discover innovative drink recipes that push the boundaries of mixology, each sip telling a story of craftsmanship and passion. Dive into the world of snack foods, where we explore unique pairings of healthy and "junk food" brands that should be tested for yourself.

But MWM is more than just recipes; it's a community of flavor enthusiasts. Join us for insightful tips, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and the latest trends in mixology and snacking. Our site is your virtual lounge, a place to unwind, learn, and connect with a community that shares your love for the perfect blend of beverages and bites.

Whether you're a curious novice or a seasoned epicurean, Mixology with Moxie is your culinary compass, guiding you through a world of taste, one sip and snack at a time.

Indulge your senses. Cheers to flavor!


Let me create a signature drink for you

Need a special recipe for your next event or publication? Contact me now to get started.

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